
I love getting up before everyone. It’s peaceful and quiet. It frees my mind to wonder where it will. I hear from God during this time. A still small voice that calls out to me if I bother to listen. I suppose it’s always there but through all the hustle and bustle of a day it gets lost in my heart.

I read about the majesty of the manger today. Thinking of the mission to save us is awe inspiring. We really had no chance of redemption prior to Jesus coming. If we all had to look for a spotless lamb or goat to sacrifice for the Passover there would not be enough to go around.

Our pure and holy lamb came in Jesus. No mortal sinful man would have been sufficient to atone for my sin let alone for all the sin of this world. It took the blood of God himself.

The power of the blood of Christ to cover all sin of all people regardless of time or offence. How amazing is a God to humble himself to come to earth in the most vulnerable of states. A helpless infant dependent for all His needs. Dependent on His creation. He was abused and tormented unto death by us lowly humans. He could have wrought utter destruction upon us. Instead He made a way for us all to be in relationship with Him. He wants to give us His love, forgiveness, and birth right to be a child of God.

Wow isn’t it amazing!


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