Paralyzed By Fear

Fear is a self-imposed prison that will keep you from becoming what God intends for you to be. You must move against it with the weapons of faith and love. (Rick Warren)

I’ve always thought I should have been a risk manager. I can look at every situation and immediately have thought of a hundred scenarios of what could go wrong. Before long I have allowed fear of the “What if” to take over. It’s been a constant battle for me all my life. I’ve come to expect the worst. I have let that spill over into the lives of my children as well.

I’m forever telling them to be safe. It’s like if I don’t say it, something dreadful will happen. I have come to see how many times I have kept myself and them from experiencing a richer life.

This way of thinking is contrary to what the Bible teaches us. There are 365 references instructing us to not be afraid. Stories of  angels coming with the first words of “Fear not”. People being called to act boldly and step out in faith.

Fear of physical harm is only one kind of fear that limits us. The fear of failure, inadequacy, and of what other’s think of us can be the greatest obstacle we face.

God commissioned Moses at the burning bush to go and speak to Pharaoh. The first response he gives God is “Who am I to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt.” (Exodus 3:11). God assures him that He will be with him. Moses again says “What if they won’t listen to me?” (Exodus 4:1). “Oh Lord, I’m not very good with words.” (Exodus 4:10).

Moses worked out of his own fears of inadequacy rather than stepping out in faith. Instead of being focused on God he only saw his own shortcomings. He should have focused on how big God is. That with the  presence of God he was lacking nothing to complete the work God gave him.  It really doesn’t matter who we are but who God is. I may be weak but He is strong. I may seem foolish but God is wise. I may be poor but He is rich.

The plague of poor self-esteem is rampant in our society. We are being fed the lie that we are not pretty enough,  thin enough, famous enough, rich enough to be of worth. It turns our eyes inward rather than towards God. We really are a society wrought with narcissism. Every girl I know takes selfies to post to social media. Judging how they feel about themselves based on how many likes they get. It seems our internal question  is am I enough?

Faith in God’s greatness is the answer to all this self-doubt. It has taken me since early childhood to get to a point that I don’t focus on my perceived short-comings. Rather I am finally walking in the knowledge that I can do all things through Christ alone.







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