Heart Trouble

Recently I awoke from a cat nap with a sense something was wrong. My chest felt heavy and my heart was racing erratically. Then the pain and shortness of breath started.  Was I having a heart attack?

After an ER visit where they shocked my heart twice I was back in rhythm. It was an eye-opening experience for me. I truly saw how life can change in an instant. I went from having a restful evening at home to literally being told that I could have a blood clot in my heart that could dislodge with the shock and cause a stroke.

Luckily the second shock set me back into normal sinus rhythm and I was discharged home within 30 min. The whole experience was surreal. I went home knowing my heart had been stopped and restarted just an hour before and here I was back to normal life. Now comes the work of finding out why and to make a plan to keep it in rhythm.  Daily aspirin to keep a clot risk down, avoiding caffeine, and taking all my medications as directed. It will be a lifetime of being diligent to take care of my heart. I will need to pay attention to the rhythm and look for changes.

I can’t help but compare it to my spiritual life. I get out of sync with my relationship with Christ. I want to go my own way. I’m out of rhythm with Him. I pull away speeding through life instead of following the path he is leading me through. I don’t do it intentionally it just subtlety occurs without me really seeing it. It’s like a small child in a store. At first your holding your parent’s hand. Your following along but your grip loosens then you let go. Your attention is on the new toy and suddenly you look around and your all on your own.  It can happen through being too busy with all the good things in life as well as the bad things. It’s not always a big intentional sin that draws us away. It is a loss of purposeful intention. We need to steer our thoughts and time to follow the heels of Jesus closely. Keeping our eyes and minds on Him.

I need to look for the changes that indicate my spirit is out of alignment with God’s Will. Am I not walking in rhythm with God? Do I take time to listen? Am I filling my soul with God’s Word?  Is there a time set aside in my day that’s just for Him?

Checking our heart is like steering a boat in a storm.   The waves and the wind are pushing and pulling in every direction.  Adjusting the rudder and sails continuously to ensure your on the right path.

My goal is to avoid the crisis moment that something dramatic must happen to get me to shocked back to attention. Keeping on track despite what life throws at me.

Surely the righteous will never be shaken; they will be remembered forever. They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast trusting in the LORD. (Psalm 112:6-7)



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