The Healers Hand

Recently I have lost my dear Aunt Jackie. She was very special to me. Every year she came to my house just before school started. She would pick me up and drive me to Great Falls to go shopping. She would tell me to get whatever I wanted. I remember thinking we would go to Kmart but she always took me to the Style Shoppe, which for Great Falls was a high end store. She would buy me dresses and shoes. Making sure I had slips and socks for everything. It meant so much to me. She knew how hard it was for my Mom to supply us with clothes for school. She said I reminded her of my mom. I will always be so grateful to her. The nice clothes kept me from being ridiculed in school and made me feel special.

When I heard she was ill, myself and all her loved ones prayed for healing. She ultimately passed away. Why hadn’t God healed her? Jesus reminded me He had done exactly that. When she passed from this world she was born in the place of ultimate healing.

You can be healed in this world with just your earthly physical body. When you are healed in heaven you are healed in every way. 2 Corinthians 5:1-10 tells us that we put on heavenly bodies and we will be with the Lord which is our true home. There will be no more sickness, sin, or brokenness.

I can’t even imagine the joy that Jackie is having now. She is in the presence of God with all those who have gone before. Living in freedom of all the burdens of this earth. She knows the truth of God’s unfailing love. It isn’t just faith but it is real to her now. She has seen her parents and her husband with their new bodies. More importantly she has seen Jesus. She knows that all of it is true. Her eyes are seeing the reality of everything she hoped and trusted on. There is no worry, strife, or fear. There are no negative feelings. When I stop to think about it I cannot even comprehend that type of existence.

So sometimes, God heals our sick earthly bodies which is miraculous, but sometimes he takes our loved ones to ultimately heal them. If we saw all this with heavenly eyes we could know He is doing more for them by taking them home with Him.

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