What I Leave Behind

I have been thinking of what legacy will I leave to this world when I’m gone? Will I have left something grand and beautiful? Will it be a better place because I lived? What do I want my life to portray? What can I do now to make a lasting impact?

Jesus left a legacy of Peace, Love, and the Holy Spirit. John 14:27 says ” Peace I leave with you; My Peace I give to you.” That’s a serious legacy. But, what about me. A fairly unknown and unremarkable woman from Montana? What could I possibly leave to this world?

My worldly possessions may last a few years but really it could be sold at a garage sale or donated. It could also just be tossed in the dump and be gone. So nothing I physically have will last. That leaves just my children. They are my legacy.

What message will they share with the world that speaks of the kind of mother they had? Did I spend their lives filling them up with values that add to the beauty of this world or does it speak of the ugliness that seems so prevalent in society today. How many scars verbally or physically have I left on my daughter’s. I have said harmful things to them that wounded their souls. These could have lasting effects on them and this could bleed out onto their children with a legacy of self abuse and addictions to cover the scars my words left. What can I do to fix this? I don’t want that to be my legacy. I want my life to have brought joy to my girls. I can’t take away the words I spoke, so how can I stop the power those words have to destroy everyone?

They need a balm to heal those wounds left by my words. What kind of medicine does that? I gave them Jesus. He has been referred to as a balm who brings healing to the wounded.  He covers our pain with His grace and mercy. His forgiveness brings restoration. He removes the power of the harmful words that I spoke to them. He replaces those words with words of love. He fills every void I leave in their hearts. If they lack love He tells them that He loves them so much He died for them. If they are empty His Holy Spirit will fill them. If they are poor He will be their provider. If they need protection He will be their Savior. If they are hungry He is the Bread of Life. If they feel betrayed they have Jesus who is faithful and true. If they are bound by sin He is their deliverer. It goes on and on with what He has for my girls and each generation that comes after them.

So when I give my girls an understanding of who Jesus is I have given them everything. They will lack nothing because He lacks nothing. I have in no way been a perfect mother but I have given them a perfect Jesus. So my legacy is my children who will pass on Jesus to their children and grandchildren. It will never end.



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