O My Soul

The last 3 days have been a nightmare that no matter how we try, we cannot wake up from. The diagnosis came that has shaken us to the core. Hearing the words of cancer is horrible but in a small sweet little 4 year old girl it is beyond disgusting. How can this happen to her? Where is God in all of this?

When my daughter called me with the news, it felt like all the air in the room had been sucked out. I stood there gasping for air. My heart shattering into a thousand tiny bits. I knew how much pain my sweet daughter was feeling. She is living out every mother’s worst fear. The thought of my daughter suffering such agony stabbed my heart. I have spent her entire life trying to protect her from pain and keep her from harm. Now I sit here powerless to protect her. I cannot keep this pain at bay for her. I ache to take it all away. Where will we all find the strength?

We will turn to Jesus during this time.  He is going to hold my granddaughter in His hand. He will uphold her parents and the rest of our family. This I have no doubt. Our feet are to the flame. The flame of fear scorching us to the soul. A fire that could consume us, but for the presence of Jesus in the midst of it. As Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were thrown in the flames of a raging furnace, they were saved when that same Jesus stood in the fire with them. That power to save is the hope we have today. He is holding our hands and walking us through this time of testing.

Some may ask “If He is so powerful why doesn’t he just heal her or just have never let her have this?” He made this a perfect world for us in the beginning. The sickness and brokenness of this world was ushered in by us. I know God had to set up a plan to redeem it. We are not guaranteed a life free from the strife that all men are subject to. What we are guaranteed is this will all be made right in the end. Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose.” What could be the purpose for this? How can God make anything good from something so unthinkable? The answer to this is I don’t know, but He does. I just trust He will.

I believe Jesus sees every tear my daughter has cried. He understands the pain my son-in-law is feeling.  He has heard the groaning of our hearts as we agonize over this. He has seen the crushing load of fear that was dropped on us all. I do believe Jesus is powerful enough to uphold us and to bring healing and restoration to my granddaughter.

A friend of mine told the story of God’s ability to give him supernatural strength to avoid being crushed by a heavy object. He had fallen and this object would have landed on his head. Just as he landed what he needed was right there. I thought how God had saved him, not from the fall, but gave him strength to survive the fall.

We shall suffer but we have chosen to follow Jesus. He will lead the charge. The power of Christ will carry us through each day. He goes with us into this battle. Deuteronomy 31:6 says “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.” 

3 thoughts on “O My Soul

  1. Bonnie

    You will learn things about the Father’s heart that are only learned not just in the fire, but in this particular kind of fire. Praying for you and your family. Love and hugs, honey.

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  2. connie hall

    Your blogs are always an inspiration and this one really speaks to us all. Such a difficult time and yet you are uplifting your readers. As I continue to pray for Amelia my biggest prayer is that you all feel God’s love and strength working in you ❤

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