Glimmers Of Light

Do you ever think, where is God in all of this. Is He there? This is so awful He must have abandoned us. It can make you angry and distraught to think you’ve been thrown into such angst. Yet,  the God who says He loves you is nowhere to be seen.

I have been in that position on more than a few occasions in my life. I’ve been known to scream angrily at Him. “Why! Where are you?” It never failed that if I stepped back, He would reveal His presence in it. He would be right in the midst of the circumstance all the time. Working it out for me, strengthening me, and protecting me. For most of the time He was carrying me through. When I thought I’d lost it all and all hope was gone. There He was.

The recent cancer diagnosis of my granddaughter Amelia is definitely one of those times that can make you wonder. I found the floor of our lives had dropped out from under us. We were free falling into the blackest moment of our lives. Our hearts have been shaken. We have hope because we  have seen glimpses of the presence of Jesus through out this.

The way the cancer was discovered by her mother.  Both myself and her mother had enlarged suspicious lymph nodes in the recent past. We had been found to be cancer free but because of this her mom knew what was normal and not normal. This Burkitt’s Lymphoma is the fastest growing human tumor. How did it not progress past stage I? I know God used previous circumstances to help with early detection. The cancer stayed in one lymph node and so far has not progressed. Most of the doctors are amazed at how well she is doing.

We’ve seen Jesus in the people who have so generously given to help support them. We had no idea so many people cared. People we knew and those we didn’t. It really is amazing to see God move His army of people to bless us. It is very humbling to see such love by all of them. Every word of encouragement, act of service, monetary support is such a blessing to our family.

I’ve heard it said that in the darkest tragedies that we should “Look for the helpers”. Those people who come to lend aid, save us, support us. They are the hands and feet of Jesus. They are moving on His command. We cannot express enough thanks to the people who are willing to be those hands and feet.

I believe that Jesus is in the midst of everything. He is in the middle of my daily circumstances and in the darkest moments. He really is working it all out for our good. I hope we can help others see Jesus in their circumstance. It can be so overwhelmingly dark but if we look closely we will see small glimmers of the light of Jesus shine through. The only way to take out the darkness is to put the light on.

Image result for john 1:5

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