Good Enough!

“In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace.” Ephesians 1:7

The news has been full of reports of natural disasters all over the world and rumors of war looming over us. Your heart could be moved by the fear and uncertainty of it all. Just before the eclipse I saw pastors telling how God has used an eclipse to be a sign of coming judgement. Then on September 23rd, an alignment in the stars that seem to correlate to what was the Great Sign mentioned in Revelation 12. Some are saying this could be a sign of the tribulation and the soon return of Jesus.

I can see how this could be true. What if it is? Am I ready to meet Jesus? Either through death or in the Rapture. It did give me pause. I have been trying to examine my heart. Have I followed the Golden Rule and the Ten Commandments? Have I been good enough? It is terrifying to face that possibility of not being good enough. Of Jesus saying your not good enough.

Then it became clear to me when I looked inside my heart. I could never be ready on my own. I still have pride, selfishness, anger, hate, deceit, and even murder in my heart. This black heart is not good enough nor will it ever be. I really am without a chance of entering into the glory of Heaven on my own.

Instead of looking inward I need to look upward. Jesus was pure and holy. He can enter into the heavenly realm of God’s Holiness, where as I am completely unholy. As the Bible says my righteousness is like filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6). This proves I need Jesus to get me into Heaven.

I am completely without merit. I continue to sin despite my desire to be holy. When I accepted Jesus into my life and heart, I put on His righteousness. My sin is gone. I’ve been washed clean. Clean from all the pride, hatred, deceit, selfishness, and all the other multitudes of sin. I shine with the glory of Jesus despite still being sinful. I don’t carry the burden of sin with Him. He carried that burden to the cross. It was nailed to it and His precious blood spilled over it. It is redeemed by Jesus’ sacrifice of Himself.

So, I am ready to meet God because Jesus paid for all my sin. All the sin I ever have or ever will commit. It’s amazing to me the amount of love this took for Jesus to do.  He did it so everyone of us could just ask Him to live in our heart and be our covering for all of it. That is so comforting that I won’t be denied entry into Heaven. That Jesus in me means I will be able to boldly walk into Heaven

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