
What do you do in the moments that shake your foundation? The times in our lives when we get a phone call in the night that rocks our world? It physically steals our breath and overwhelms us. I have had a few conversations like that this year. Calls of the loss of loved ones and several with diagnoses that seem so unimaginable. I have written about the diagnosis of a cancer in my 4 year old granddaughter. That day my heart nearly stopped. I had my own health hurdles in the last 2 years. My heart has been having a life threatening arrhythmia and fluid around my heart. I spent many hours trying to make sense of it all.

I am a person who must pull away and recenter myself on Jesus. I can’t find solid ground to stand without Him. I will stay in my room of sanctuary where I will cry, barter, and ultimately will stop to listen for the voice. The voice of Jesus who whispers His words of comfort. The Holy Spirit will remind me I am in His care. That nothing occurs that can move Him away from me. He is ready to come into every situation and bring in His peace and comfort.

I’ve had several friends who’ve called me with the news that their world has been rocked. Diseases the world says are too big. Their lives have changed in one horrific diagnosis. The families wide eyed confusion of where to go from this. Is this the end? Does this mean God is not able to fix this?

With all my heart I know it is not. Matthew 19:26 says:  And looking upon them, Jesus said to them, With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.

He is bigger than the disease. When someone gives a survival rate of a certain disease, they do not take into account the One who created us. The One who holds us in His hands. The same hands that took nails to break the chains of death off of us. He knows this world caused us to start dying from the moment our first cell formed in our mother’s womb.

This was never His plan. His plan is to give us life abundantly. I believe His death and resurrection stopped that curse and brought us life eternal. He never wants us to die. He wants us to live.

I’m not saying that we won’t get sick or die. What I mean is, that we can have faith that Jesus has a plan to bring out the very best for us and our loved ones. “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28.

I believe that He wants to heal us. Throughout the New Testament there are stories of God’s miraculous healings. I don’t remember a time that Jesus refused healing. I know some are not fully healed till they meet Jesus. Sometimes we humans don’t get the answers we want but it doesn’t mean we didn’t get the healing we needed. The pain grows us in ways that never would have happened without it. Just like pruning a rose bush. You have to cut the plant back to force it to grow the perfect rose. To grow the beauty.

If we are being challenged right now, it’s for the future glory. A beauty that we cannot see now, but when we do, it will be clear. We will see the masterpiece our Lord has been sculpting us to be. After all, we are in The Potter’s Hand as He spins us and molds us to be exactly what He wants us to be.

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